Sunday sadhana

Flowers, credit Kirsten Akens 2016

To me, sadhana is a daily spiritual practice allowing time and space for an individual to turn inward.

As Yogi Bhajan (of the Kundalini yoga tradition) says, "Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best."

Sadhana could be taking a walk in nature, doing breath work or yoga asanas on a mat, spending time meditating or chanting, reading and reflecting on a poem, or simply watching the sun rise.

Please accept this post as a possible starting point for your own practice today.

"Ten Years Later" by David Whyte

When the mind is clear and the surface of the now still, now swaying water

slaps against the rolling kayak,

I find myself near darkness, paddling again to Yellow Island.

Every spring wildflowers cover the grey rocks.

Every year the sea breeze ruffles the cold and lovely pearls hidden in the center of the flowers

as if remembering them by touch alone.

A calm and lonely, trembling beauty that frightened me in youth.

Now their loneliness feels familiar, one small thing I’ve learned these years,

how to be alone, and at the edge of aloneness how to be found by the world.

Innocence is what we allow to be gifted back to us once we’ve given ourselves away.

There is one world only, the one to which we gave ourselves utterly, and to which one day

we are blessed to return.

Sunday sadhana

Montreal statue, photo by Kirsten Akens 2016

To me, sadhana is a daily spiritual practice allowing time and space for an individual to turn inward.

As Yogi Bhajan (of the Kundalini yoga tradition) says, "Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best."

Sadhana could be taking a walk in nature, doing breath work or yoga asanas on a mat, spending time meditating or chanting, reading and reflecting on a poem, or simply watching the sun rise.

Please accept this post as a possible starting point for your own practice today.

When I say I hate time, Paul says

how else could we find depth

of character, or grow souls?

— Mark Doty

Sunday sadhana

Street art in Athens, Greece, credit Kirsten Akens 2016

To me, sadhana is a daily spiritual practice allowing time and space for an individual to turn inward.

As Yogi Bhajan (of the Kundalini yoga tradition) says, "Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best."

Sadhana could be taking a walk in nature, doing breath work or yoga asanas on a mat, spending time meditating or chanting, reading and reflecting on a poem, or simply watching the sun rise.

Please accept this post as a possible starting point for your own practice today.

I Stretch My Arms, by James Harpur
I stretch my arms like a swan flying And watch, weightless, the world turning So high up I can see – endlessly it seems Rome and white mountains rising beyond, Triremes at anchor in still Alexandria Pearl-divers practising from rocks The wind wandering through the wilderness. The sun casts no shadow of the compass. I am rooted to the spot, rotting inside I had no choice but to choose this perch And now I cannot choose any more Each choice I made was like a nail Fixing my arms to embrace the world.
From Oracle Bones (Anvil Press, 2001).